Q: What is included in YOGIS GAME?

A: Each game includes:

Q: What do we do if someone cannot complete a pose?

A: If anyone has pain or discomfort in any pose, or anticipating making any pose, he or she should not attempt that pose. Instead, make a more simple pose according to comfort and abilities.

Q: What do we  do if a player joins the game later on?

A: Any player can join the game at any time and will start with 0 cards.

Q: What do we do if a player suddenly leaves or quits?

A: Exiting player's cards are returned to the bottom of the deck.


Q: How can you 'win' Yoga, I thought Yoga was not a contest?

A: Yoga cannot be won. Yoga is not a contest or a game. YOGIS GAME is truly a tool. YG exists to spread yoga and get families to move their bodies and think creatively. Often, Yoga, as our modern culture knows is something we do and learn in a classroom, gym, park, or studio setting. Modern Yoga classes can be inaccessible to many people due to lack of time, expense, location, and even anxiety.  I wanted to make something that I could teach through and share more easily with the world while I am not there, and without a constant fee and or membership. A book, sure, in time, but something that can be played has a different place in our hearts. With 12 years of experience teaching Kids Yoga, I found that kids are more likely to participate in physical activity if they are playing a game, thus, I thought up YOGIS GAME (read more on YG's About page)! There are many different styles of Yoga, yet they all have the same goal, Self-Awareness. I hope that YG sparks your curiosity into learning more about Yoga, encouraging you to have a higher value on moving, stretching, breathing, and relaxing daily!

Q: How many Yoga poses are there?

A: The Hatha Yoga Pradipika states there is 48 lakh (Sanskrit for 100,000) poses, meaning there are 4.8 million potential poses! Yoga poses are limitless and ever-changing. Think, even if you do the same pose daily, it is different and new each time. You are breathing new air that you will never breathe again. Your hairs are growing and changing right now, you are always changing, breath to breath, this heightened awareness and realization is the essence of Yoga (Self-Realization). Each slight variation of your hand, foot, or any other subtle change to a pose is technically a new one, each unique in the present moment. Play the game in this way, be creative, and expand your imagination!

Q: Why are some of the Yoga pose names different in the YOGIS GAME (YG3) Yoga Pose Deck?

A: There are many names for the same poses in Yoga, therefore, I have chosen the names that are the most descriptive and easy to remember and teach. If you would like to add or change a name, use a marker on the desired card. Currently, YG3 is in English only.

Q: Why is Sanskrit not used in the YOGIS GAME (YG3) Yoga Pose Deck?

A: For simplicity and accessibility, YG3 is printed in English. The purpose of this deck is to teach actual poses and therefore the names are less important than the actual positions. This deck is meant to be played simply and easily while also helping younger children to practice reading.

Q: YG1 and YG2  aren't necessarily teaching specific poses with guidance, will you have a game that does?

A: Yes! YOGIS GAME (YG3), Yoga Pose Deck has 54 cards with actual Yoga poses on them! It is published and ready to play, order your copy of YG3 here!

Q: I want to learn more about Yoga. Where can I find more information, including free educational materials or even online classes?

A: YOGI SENSE is my free online resource website. The TEXTS page has links to free online Yoga books, and the CLASSES page provides specifics on what Hatha and Raja Yoga POSES and classes look like.